Blockchain Content Marketing Campaigns For DeFi, Crypto & NFT Projects Launched

1 min read

Over the last few years, rapid growth in the cryptocurrency and DeFi markets has made it next to impossible for smaller projects to rank near the top of the search results. EnFuegoMedia has launched new multimedia marketing campaigns that use a combination of strategies to help small projects improve their rankings, and build domain authority with search engine algorithms.

More information about EnFuegoMedia, and multimedia marketing for crypto, DeFi, or NFT projects, can be found at

The new multimedia marketing campaigns place branded content in the form of blogs, podcasts, videos, and several other formats, on high-authority sites. Each piece of content is focused on a product, service, or announcement, and contains a link back to the project’s main page.

While each piece of content about a project has its own chance to rank near the top of the search results and direct interested readers back to the project’s main page, this is only half of the plan. With every new piece of content, the search algorithms see that the project is relevant, newsworthy, and interesting, causing it to get placed higher in the search results organically.

Project managers are never required to write their own content or film their own videos. EnFuegoMedia provides “done-for-you” campaigns that include all the necessary research on the projects, professional content creation services, and automatic placement on high authority sites. A brief video that explains how multimedia campaigns work is available at

By partnering with cryptocurrency-based news sites, EnFuegoMedia is able to get content placed directly on trusted industry-approved outlets that already have high domain authority with search engine algorithms. While the overall strategy boosts search rankings for the project, this technique also gives an immediate increase in traffic, as search engines are already giving these sites preferred treatment.

The multimedia content marketing campaigns are available in a range of packages that include six different forms of multimedia, and up to eight unique marketing events per month. A full list of the high authority websites where content is available, marketing packages, and multimedia types, can be found on the company’s website.

More information about marketing for crypto, NFTs, and DeFi projects can be found at

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