The Crypto You team has decided to use their own funds to compensate players for the high gas fees in BNB
Hello fellas, thanks for being with The Crypto You.
As you know, The Crypto You has several features that require gas fees, and some of them require gas fees for multiple contract interactions at once. They all consume high gas fees especially when the chain is in high demand.
The Crypto You team chose to use our own funds to compensate for the gas fees in the gameplay. Our gameplay route is ‘User-Contract-Server-Contract’-based, which means when users send requests to the contract, we will pass the request to the server, and we pay the gas fees in order to get the data back to the contract. Under this kind of framework, our team needs to add extra gas fees to all related transactions, including Mint (Temporarily Suspended), PvE, Merge, Chest, and other upcoming features. The reason is to upgrade the gaming experience, as well as prevent collision attacks from happening so that your interests won’t be hurt.
The overall spending since the launch is separated into two parts. We have already paid over 2,000 BNB for the gas fees. The BNB came from BabySwap Team as the pre-launch funds support. Another part is from the income of The Crypto You and it has not been spent, except for our advertising costs including PR, NASDAQ, Collabs, etc.
In order to operate the game in a healthier cycle with its internal circulation, we’d love to make adjustments and reveal to the public how we allocate the income we have.
We receive both BABY and MILK in the gameplay, here’s the allocation starting from today.
BABY (Mint not included)
80% Burn
Directly Burnt
16% PvE Treasury
Used as PvE Rewards.
4% Emergency Fund
No Selling Ever Occured.
69% Main Treasury
Used for upcoming rewards distribution or marketing funds. Rewards distribution includes but is not limited to PvE rewards, Chest Rewards, upcoming feature rewards…
16% PvE Treasury
Used as PvE Rewards.
4% Emergency Fund
No Selling Ever Occured.
10% BNB Buyback as Gas Treasury
In order to have healthy internal circulation, we decide to use 10% of the MILK income to buy back BNB as Gas Fees compensation. We will continually compensate for the gas fees using our team’s own funds as well as the 10% Gas Fees compensation for users to upgrade the gaming experience and to prevent collision attacks. And we guarantee that the BNB will only be used as gas fees as you could monitor the on-chain status at any time. On the other hand, we will also monitor the gas fee spending condition. 10% is the upper limit. If 10% MILK is larger than the BNB gas consumed in the game, we will decrease the rate. When the MILK price is rising, the percentage will definitely be decreasing.
1% BNB Buyback as UR Income Sharing
Yes, UR holders will receive BNB. We will use 1% to buy back BNB and share them with UR holders. 1% is a fixed percentage, which means you will always receive 1% MILK income (In BNB) from the game protocol as a UR holder. The distribution will be processed periodically.
Overall, we’d love to share our income allocation with our dear investors and players. As a game that’s been through ups and downs, we do realize communities and players are our priority and we will do everything to be transparent and be giving more profit out. A playable game is the key to success, and we are on our way to it.
We build on the BNB Chain, so we’d love to buy back the core token BNB to compensate for the gas fee as well as share income to users for a better foundation. We believe the buy-back will be the core support of the internal positive circulation, and we will continually accept advice from the community and see what we can approve.
The Crypto You is setting the crypto sails.
Thanks for reading.
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